Top Challenges in Mobile App Testing Services and How to Overcome Them

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A3Logics 30 Apr 2024

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Over the past 10 years the use of mobile devices has exploded across the globe.Β According to Statista that the number of smartphone users is expected to be overΒ 7.7 billion in 2028.Β Therefore, it’s not difficult to imagine the massive mobile app testing services issues that the current and upcoming backend teams will have to deal with.

Due to the explosion of mobile devices, the need for mobile applications has risen across the globe.Β This has resulted in huge corporations investing heavily into this area, which has led to the demand for a more suitable real device testing software.

In this article about testing of apps and the challenges they pose, We will look at the most important challenges in mobile app testing that plague technical teams around the world.


Number of smartphone mobile network subscriptions worldwide

Mobile App Testing: An Overview

As per the top custom mobile app development company, mobile app testing services are vital in the modern world of digital connectivity since mobile devices serve as a bridge to many services.Β A recent study has found that people spend an average of five and six hours a day on mobile apps and that the overall engagement rate with apps has increased by aboutΒ 46 percent between the years 2019 to 2022.Β These numbers clearly increased the demand for apps in all fields.

From small to huge companies have begun investing more money into mobile apps development projects.Β This has led to an increasing demand for a more effective test approach for mobile devices.Β But, due to the ever-changing mobile market, lots of issues are posed by mobile application testing services in order to ensure that the application is optimized so that it does not compromise information about clients and customers.

The most challenging aspects of mobile app security testing are diverse operating systems, devices and expectations for users.Β Read this guide to look into all these problems with mobile testing for native apps, which highlight the challenges that testers and programmers must overcome in order to ensure the stability and smooth functioning of native mobile applications.

Beta testing for mobile app development is becoming increasingly important since users expect flawless user experiences across all devices.Β Testers and developers are able to navigate the ever-changing mobile world without fear, ensuring that their applications meet the strict requirements of the ever-changing user behavior. They can understand and overcome the challenges of testing.

Mobile App Testing Services: What Value It Brings Into Play

Mobile applications have revolutionized the way we conduct business and interact with brands. It enables anytime access to information, purchasing and engaging with customers at the touch of a button. With this increased usage and dependence on apps, ensuring a high-quality experience is crucial for businesses. Mobile app testing helps catch issues, validate features and align development with user needs and expectations effectively.Β 

As per the top Android app development companies, mobile app testing services refers to the process of evaluating an app’s behavior and performance across different mobile environments to validate quality, functionality and discover bugs. It involves simulation and execution tests on real devices to replicate real-world usage scenarios. Key aspects include testing of core features, integration with services, performance across networks/devices, localization, security and overall user experience.

There are several critical reasons why thorough testing of mobile apps is important for organizations:


Ensures Error-Free Functioning

Testing helps identify crashes, bugs, glitches or missing functionality before public release. It prevents embarrassment of unplanned app failures that negatively impact the user and brand experience.


Improve User Experience

Penetration testing in software development enhances the quality of user interactions, navigation, loading times and content display across a wide variety of devices and screen sizes. It aligns UX with principles of usability, content structure and responsiveness for high customer satisfaction.


Mitigate Commercial Risks

Identifying issues proactively helps reduce recalls, complaints and legal risks of unprepared releases. It minimizes costly app reworks post-launch which are detrimental to business and customer goodwill.


Meet Evolving Market Expectations

Customers expect seamless performance across an evolving mobile landscape. Testing keeps pace with advancements in OS, device specifications ensuring consistent experiences and increasing retention.


Supports Continuous Innovation

Feedback from testing drives prioritized product improvements, additions of new features, technologies and integration with other platforms to stay ahead of competition sustainably.


Reduce Maintenance Overhead

Thorough software testing in custom development early prevents issues from piling up over time, simplifying maintenance and long-term development cycles through minimal ongoing fixes post-release.


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Importance of Different Mobile Testing Types

With the proliferation of mobile applications across industries, delivering high quality, robust and responsive apps has become imperative for success. As per industry reports, poor application performance is one of the leading causes for uninstalls affecting engagement and revenues for mobile app development companies USA and other app developers.

While development focuses on building core features and functionality, thorough testing across diverse usage aspects holds equal importance. Given the complexity of mobile platforms fragmented by a growing device landscape and local preferences, testing needs to evaluate an app from varied perspectives to fully validate its fitness.

We delve into some key mobile testing types that top mobile app development companies in USA and other leading custom mobile app development agencies must focus on to guarantee apps meet consumer demands across markets.

Compatibility Testing

Ensuring applications function seamlessly across the wide variety of device specifications, configurations, network environments and third-party service integrations is critical. Compatibility testing evaluates how well the app runs on different hardware including smartphones, tablets of all brands, screen sizes and aspect ratios.

It also verifies behaviour across multiple versions of Android and iOS operating systems considering many users may not immediately update to the latest OS release. Network parameters testing confirms the application performs optimally over 2G, 3G, 4G, WiFi and other connections, caching data appropriately for offline usage too.

Testing interoperability with third-party services the app uses like payment gateways, map providers or external libraries prevents compatibility issues. Hybrid mobile app development companies need extensive compatibility testing on platforms they target beyond native OS environments. Compatibility bugs can cripple the entire user experience post launch if not identified proactively.

Usability Testing

Evaluating how effortlessly users can accomplish intended tasks with the minimum learning curve is a top priority as poor usability translates directly to lower engagement. Usability testing evaluates aspects like interface navigability, control placements, input mechanisms, content organization, on-boarding/help experience and more.

It provides valuable qualitative feedback to optimize findability, learnability, efficiency and user satisfaction throughout the app lifecycle for mobile application consulting services. Both manual and automation techniques have a role – manual testing aids early discovery of critical flaws whereas automation regression helps sustain usability. A/B testing newly introduced features aids data-backed improvements.

Security Testing

With apps requesting and storing increasing amounts of personal and enterprise data, security vulnerabilities can severely impact brand reputation. Thorough security testing scans for authorization flaws, insecure data storage practices, injection vulnerabilities, weak encryption, privacy leaks and other issues across the mobile, backend and any enterprise application integrations.

Mobile app penetration testing tools and techniques help identify loopholes before malicious actors. Compliance with standards like OWASP becomes mandatory for top mobile app development companies in USA serving industries like fintech handling monetary transactions and healthcare dealing with sensitive records. Periodic security audits ensure protection remains robust over time.

Performance Testing

Assessing an application’s ability to perform optimally even under stressful conditions of heavy device usage, lengthy transactions, low bandwidth networks or older hardware is vital. Mobile app performance testing evaluates aspects like responsiveness, reliability, throughput, stability, memory management, resource usage, startup/load times across varied parameters.

It finds bottlenecks, leakages and other issues affecting the app’s perceived performance and usefulness. Load/soak testing determines scalability by simulating high user traffic. Locating poor performing code sections helps custom mobile app development companies optimize efficiently. Emerging technologies like AI/ML also require novel stress evaluation techniques.

Localization Testing

Validating localized text, images, measurements, number/date formats and overall interface adaptation for international audiences demands focused testing. It evaluates localization across multiple languages to check for errors, mistranslations or missing strings after localization build workflows in mobile app development.

Cultural adaptations for regions are validated including multi-currency/tax support. Right-to-left text layout, bi-directional formatting and locale-specific keyboard/input fixes are examined. Ensuring localization quality for each targeted store front remains a challenge that meticulous testing addresses, crucial for global brands.

Accessibility Testing

Bugs and errors in the software testing process compliance with standards for usability by users with disabilities involving color blindness, low vision impairment and mobility challenges on accessibility-supportive devices like braille keyboard.

iOS App Development

Types of Mobile App Testing Techniques

To maximize effectiveness, leveraging a combination of techniques is important for mobile app testing:


Manual Testing

Performed by testers to evaluate different types of functionality, scenarios, and capturing bugs under realistic user workflows using real devices.


Automation Testing

Leveraging mobile app testing tools and scripts to repeatedly validate stable areas thereby increasing coverage. Tools like Appium, Katalon help automate repetitive tests.


Test Case Management Tools

Used to manage the life cycle of test cases, tracking defects and results centrally along with versioning of test plans and cases. Tools like TestRail support this process.


Cloud Testing Services

Platforms like Sauce Labs, Amazon Device Farm allow testing on hundreds of mobile configurations that are not available in-house, ensuring wider compatibility testing.


UI/UX Testing Tools

Web app testing tools
like SeeTest, Moniton facilitate visual/touch-based validation of UI elements, interaction behavior and responsive design testing.


Mobile App API Testing

Mobile app API testing
covers Isolating app modules/APIs to check functionality and integration on a component level using frameworks like JUnit, Mockito.


Performance Testing Tools

Tools like NeoLoad, can automate performance testing to verify resource usage, load capacity and scalability under heavy usage load.


Beta Testing

Limited launch of app version to a controlled audience to gain feedback on real-world usage scenarios before a full production release. Services like Testflight help with iOS app beta testing.


Test iOS App with TestFlight

Apple’s TestFlight Beta Testing service is popular foriOS app testing. It allows adding up to 10,000 external testers to a private beta program. After adding, testers can enroll using an invitation link and access pre-release builds before public launch to uncover issues. Features, crash logs and usage feedback from the beta audience can be viewed on TestFlight. This technique gives a head start over bugs before production release.

Common Challenges in Mobile App Testing Services

The mobile app industry has witnessed tremendous growth over the past decade, ushering new opportunities and challenges for application development and testing organizations. As mobile continues its dominance in the digital experience landscape, keeping pace with the evolving needs of end users, clients and technical complexities has become crucial for success.Β 


Expanding Device Fragmentation

One of the foremost evolutions in testing is handling the ever-growing device fragmentation in the market. With over 25,000 distinct mobile device models in use globally according to recent surveys, thorough compatibility evaluation has become a herculean task. While iOS fragmentation is relatively controlled by Apple, the open Android ecosystem has led to a proliferation of models across hundreds of manufacturers at different form factors, aspect ratios, hardware capabilities and OS versions co-existing.


Solution: Ensuring seamless experiences across this diversity requires extensive device libraries, skilled resources and innovative automation techniques by mobile app development companies USA and testing providers globally.


Emphasis on User Experience

Testing of crucial user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) aspects have similarly evolved in prominence. With competition intensifying by the day, merely fixing bugs is no longer sufficient – delivering delightful, intuitive and consistent interactions has become table-stakes. Novel frameworks like flutter have made hybrid mobile app development more powerful and cost-efficient. However, extensive validation across interactions, flows, visual elements and localizations under varied conditions still presents challenges.


Solution: Emerging tools allowing real-time UX feedback have become essential for android app development companies and ios app development companies to drive quality.


Proliferation of App Types and Platforms

The advent of specialized app categories and new operating systems have added layers of complexity. Originally centered around smartphones, testing now spans across diverse categories of wearables, IoT, embedded and other frontier platforms. Enterprise apps demanding high security also raise the bar.


Solution: Development platforms like Xamarin, React Native and Flutter address these needs to some extent but still require robust platform-specific validation. Specialized mobile application consulting services and cross-platform testing expertise have become indispensable in this regard.


Focus on Performance and Responsiveness

With mobile internet evolving at an unprecedented pace, continuous performance testing has assumed heightened importance. Validating scalability under varying network conditions, heavy usage loads, memory optimizations and battery efficiency present ongoing challenges considering the pace of technology advancement. Emerging 5G networks and edge computing are set to raise performance expectations even further.Β 

Leveraging next-gen test automation, emulation, and cloud infrastructure has become critical for custom mobile app development companies to ensure responsive, fail-proof experiences.


Expanding Quality Expectations

Along with core functionality, robust quality assurance also includes validating newer aspects like application security, privacy, localization and accessibility – each area requiring deep specialization. Attack vectors are continuously evolving, requiring dedicated security specialists to assess vulnerabilities.Β 

Accessibility testing for people with disabilities also merits focused evaluation. IoT app quality influences real-world outcomes, necessitating heightened diligence. Round-the-clock testing support and quality assurance beyond traditional bounds have become essential DNA for top mobile app development companies in USA.


Strategic Testing Mix

While test automation addresses regression and repetitive scenarios efficiently, manual testing by skilled professionals plays a crucial role. All this can help in replicating real-world variabilities, usability walks and exploratory tasks. Similarly, in-house resources effectively test core functionalities.Β 

Β  Strategic outsourcing to global testing bodies with expansive infrastructure becomes indispensable for complex testing mandates. This includes performance at scale. Alongside, embracing advanced testing techniques involving AI, ML, crowdsourcing, analytics also carves sustainable competitive advantage. In essence, a nuanced, hybrid testing model has become imperative.


Prioritizing Continuous Testing

Quality cannot be an afterthought with mobile – it needs embedding throughout the development lifecycle. Constant testing tied to development cycles, comprehensive version audits, responsive bug fixing, early and regular client feedback have become prerequisites.Β 

Effective usage of version control systems, intuitive automation frameworks, and collaborative DevOps approaches have significantly raised developer productivity and testing effectiveness according to leading android app development agencies and ios app development companies. Sustainable quality necessitates recalibrating processes and talent in this strategic direction.


Leveraging Testing Expertise

Internal testing capabilities need scaling up continuously with technology and market shifts. This has opened up opportunities for specialized consultancies offering services. It includes performance validation, security audits, localization testing, QA process improvement, and training programs.Β 

Solution: Careful selection of testing partners assumes importance on the back of their expertise. It also showcases reliability, security practices and references in the client’s domain.

These define some of the chief evolutions continuously enhancing the mobile application testing landscape and driving best practices. Continuous adaptation to emerging realities ensures robust quality guarantees that customer delight and business success heavily depend on. To get rid of these challenges, it is important that you connect with the right service providers. Thinkin about it, read below.


Importance of Hiring Mobile App Testing Services

Mobile app automation testing plays a crucial role in the development of high-quality and bug-free mobile apps. While in-house testing is necessary, relying solely on it may not suffice when tight deadlines need to be met or critical apps require extensive testing on multiple devices and OS versions. Engaging specialized mobile
app testing services can support scalability and bring complementary expertise to in-house teams.

We will explore in-depth the importance of unit testing to experienced service providers, benefits mobile app development companies USA, hybrid mobile app development companies, and top ios and android app development agencies and companies.

Wide Device Lab Access

One key advantage testing services provide is access to extensive device labs housing hundreds of devices across various brands, sizes, OS versions, and environments. This allows testing applications on real devices in multiple configurations to ensure compatibility that in-house resources may lack due to capex requirements.

For instance, a leading cross platform mobile app development company with an in-house team of 20-30 testers may only have access to 50-70 devices maximum. However, specialized testing vendors maintain extensive labs with over 500+ devices equipped with the latest as well as older versions to test cross-generational support comprehensively.

Such wide coverage is critical as mobile apps today need to support the diverse and fragmented device landscape. Any incompatibility issues uncovered only post-launch can severely hamper consumer experience and app ratings/reviews. Relying on a service freeing up this device requirement delivers significant value.

Dedicated Testing Resources

While internal QA is essential, assigning development resources to testing duties is not always optimal utilization of expertise. Specialized testing demands enhanced skills that may not be readily available or sustainable to hire specifically. Outsourcing testing allows leveraging dedicated software testing and QA services specialists.

For top mobile app development companies in USA servicing global clients, projects often involve tight deadlines requiring testing to start in parallel with development. Having an external team singularly focused on testing means they can hit the ground running without ramp-up time. Their work can also continue seamlessly during development lulls versus stopping in-house testing.

Experience suggests 6-12 months are usually required to skill internal hires for mobile testing roles involving capabilities like test automation, defect tracking, performance/load testing, security assessments etc. Engaging services avoids such training overheads while access to full-time testing experts accelerates projects.

On-Demand Scalability

The testing needs of projects tend to fluctuate – requiring more resources during requirements finalization, intensive development and post-launch support phases versus lulls in between. Maintaining testing headcounts aligned with such peaks internally poses productivity and cost issues for custom mobile app development company and app consulting services.

Outsourcing allows flexible scaling of testing team size on an as-needed basis without overhead of permanent hiring/firing. Services can quickly supplement 50-200 additional testers within days when demanded by schedules. This on-tap scalability benefits delivery since developers need not wait for testing bottlenecks to clear prior to each workstream.

Process Benchmarking

Experienced testing service providers offer valuable guidance on formulating robust test strategies and cases, planning test cycles, defining bug life cycles, setting up frameworks for test automation, standardizing metrics and reporting. These benchmarks shaped by working with diverse clients over the years can help optimally structure in-house processes too for custom mobile app development services and hybrid app dev companies.

For instance, consultants may advise on test data specifications, mobile testing best practices, test case design templates adhering to standards like MOBT, tool selections, coding standards etc. that bring the organization’s processes on par with industry leaders. This strategic counsel delivered periodically yields process improvements beyond just outsourced testing execution.

Quick Turnarounds

Ensuring reliability within aggressive timelines necessitates minimizing test cycles. While internal testing extends testing time significantly, dedicated teams at specialized vendors trained on specific tools and methods can often accomplish the same work faster.

For instance, a leading android app development agency providing billing solutions to hospitals required extensive performance validation of a new claims raised module. By leveraging an experienced service, the same level of testing completed over 6 weeks in-house was accomplished within 15 days externally without comprising rigor.

Such accelerated results allow development to proceed rapidly while still benefiting from thorough QA. This is invaluable when applications demand time to market advantages, helping top mobile app development companies in USA and app development agencies differentiate.

Cost Savings

AI in software testing infrastructure and skill requirements pose heavy capex that not all organizations can fund, especially startups. Maintaining separate bug databases, test environments, device labs, bespoke tools, specialized test resources all contribute significantly to overheads.

Engaging testing as a service on consumption-based pricing transfers such expenses to opex, improving cash flows. Services also eliminate equipment depreciation costs. For instance, a financial mobile application development firm estimated eliminating a $400,000 2-year capex by outsourcing extensively to reputed testing vendors.

Services also deliver better tester utilization since external teams work throughout while internal QA is often idle between Sprints. They ensure testing never stalls projects due to budget constraints. Overall, the total cost of outsourced testing remains 30-40% lower than in-house testing for large programs when factoring all cost components.

New Technology Expertise

Evolving technologies like AI/ML, AR/VR, IoT, blockchain etc. that give apps competitive edge also require specialized testing knowledge not readily available in-house. Cross-platform frameworks, programming languages and toolsets too need updated skills that introduce additional hiring complexity for mobile application consulting services and custom mobile app development company.

By leveraging vendor expertise updated regularly across several clients, organizations gain quick access to evaluating new tech without support overheads. For instance, AI voice recognition apps benefited greatly from one vendor’s neural network mobile app automation testing tools aiding coverage. Overall, outsourcing helps focus internal teams on core competence while keeping testing capabilities up-to-date for strategic innovation.

Comprehensive External Testing

Beyond just functional testing of software features, applications also require broader testing perspectives and compliance validations best served by independent third-party services:


Security Testing

External penetration testing scans applications with an unbiased lens for vulnerabilities prior to launch. This detects holes from fresh perspectives beyond what development or in-house security teams may find, reducing post-release risks. Reputed vendors conduct testing adhering to robust methodologies like OWASP standards.


Performance Testing

Stress, load and endurance testing conducted on vendor infrastructure simulating diverse usage scenarios provides unbiased performance, scalability and error insights. They identify bottlenecks across infrastructure tiers before public exposure that in-house testing may miss.


Accessibility Testing

Specialized services validate applications meet industry guidelines for various disabilities and ensure inclusive design. Manual testing accounting for vision, hearing, mobility and cognitive impairments requires high expertise.


Compliance Testing

Regulatory validations for aspects like privacy, encryption, localization etc. gain credibility with third-party audits upholding guidelines around software design, data storage etc. especially for apps in regulated domains.


Continuous Testing

To guarantee reliability throughout the application lifecycle, advanced vendors enable on-going testing leveraging the latest techniques like test automation, shift-left practices, constant monitoring etc. round the clock supporting trustworthy, bug-free updates and new features.

In summary, embracing experienced testing partners compliments internal capabilities for custom mobile app development company and top mobile app development companies in USA with deep technical oversight and quality validation, satisfying rigorous certification needs while accelerating market delivery and reducing risks.

Selecting a Reliable Testing Partner

With myriad service providers, selecting the right testing partner requires diligence. Reputed vendors excelling across industries with Fortune 500 clients demonstrate competence through:


  • Dedicated offshore/onsite testing centers adhering to quality certifications
  • Robust test management portals with customize dashboards
  • Extensive libraries of test cases, frameworks and automation scripts
  • Talented multi-skilled testers experienced across domains
  • Ongoing tester training and skill upgrades
  • Flexible commercial engagement models
  • Proven methodologies aligned with standards like ISTQB, TMMi
  • Device labs housing 500+ updated hardware across OS versions
  • Strong track record of on-time test completions meeting SLAs
  • Recommendations and case studies highlighting business impact
  • Thought leadership through published papers, blog posts
  • Longstanding domain expertise across sectors like fintech, healthcare etc.

Adequate tester screening and managed services providing dedicated test managers/automation engineers aid transition for seamless results. Overall, outsourcing testing to an experienced vendor delivers the QA assurance needed to confidently launch best-in-class mobile applications focused purely on creating excellent consumer experiences.


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Final Thoughts

Addressing such complexities demands continuous enhancement of testing methodologies and tools backed by domain knowledge. Mature outsourcing partners dedicated to quality overcome issues methodically through proactive planning and upskilling to deliver on evolving industry needs. To know more about the world of mobile app testing services, you can consider connecting with the experts at A3Logics. Good luck!Β 


Q1. How do testing vendors validate localizations?

A: They conduct linguistic reviews, test translations against original content using translation management systems and involve native speaking testers to catch cultural nuances missed by tools.

Q2. How is test environment provisioning managed remotely?

A: Vendors use integrated tools provisioning identical sandbox environments on demand in automated infrastructures. Configurations are version controlled and shared in real-time portals.

Q3. How is test automation effectiveness ensured?

A: Automation frameworks are designed with maintainability and adaptability. Robust validation matrices and periodic review ensures automation scripts effectiveness over evolving products.

Q4. How does continuous testing help address platform changes?

A: By continuous monitoring and triggering of applicable test buckets, it ensures tests are updated. This is done in sync with the codebase without disrupting normal cycles.

Q5. How does test output quality monitoring help?

A: Statistical quality parameters, manual validations and client feedback analyzed by QA managers helps customized improvements. All this is done keeping stakeholders satisfaction top priority.